Based in Perth, the Wild family have been caravanning and 4WDing around Australia since 2016. Known as Wild Touring, Cam, Tiff and their two kids share their adventures, tips and reviews on Youtube, where they have amassed over 40,000 followers. We interviewed Cam Wild to learn more about what Wild Touring are doing, how they got started and their plans for the future.

1. Can you tell us a little about Wild Touring and how your family got started with outdoor camping and touring adventures?
Wild Touring is an Aussie YouTube channel that shares videos of our family caravan trips, solo swag trips, tinny/fishing adventures, tips, technical advice and product reviews.
Wild Touring started in 2016. Back then It was just Tiff and I (Cam). I think initially I started a Facebook page to post pictures and videos of our camping trips somewhere other than my own personal page, because I thought I was probably boring all my non-camping friends. From there I started editing videos of our trips and posting them on YouTube.
We gained a small, really supportive following and that community has continued to grow.
Since then we've welcomed Chloe, our now 5 year old daughter, and Brodie, our naughty 1 year old, to the family so our trips have evolved from tents to camper trailers, a hybrid camper and now a full size caravan over the years. I still manage to get away a fair bit in the swag though!
2. What has the response been to your travel videos?
It's a pretty daunting thing to put your lives out there on the internet for people to see but the response has always been so positive. We frequently hear that we've inspired people to explore Australia with their family - which is really cool!
Wild Touring has organically evolved into a small family business that now keeps Tiff and I busy running an online shop selling merchandise. We're currently working on making some changes so we can spend more time travelling and filming content and less time at our day jobs!
3. What has been one of the most memorable experiences you and your family have had while travelling?
In 2020, myself, my wife Tiff and our daughter Chloe (who was 3 at the time) took off for 6 months in a 13ft offroad hybrid camper with plans to drive around Australia. Covid hit Western Australia as we left, and we were unable to leave the state. Instead, we spent that entire 6 months exploring our own state and barely scratched the surface. We found so many beautiful, remote campsites and loved every minute of it.
The good thing about how that all panned out, is that now we've got to give it another go getting around the rest of the country! So we're currently gearing up to take off for 12 months in 2025, with the addition of our one year old son, Brodie, in a full size caravan this time.
4. How do you decide on which destinations to explore and which activities to do?
We start with the popular touristy stuff, which we hear about through word of mouth, see on social media/TV or find through websites like Tripadvisor. For campsites and points of interest WikiCamps is probably the best resource. Once we get to a destination we start chatting to other travellers and locals to dig a little deeper and find those really nice quiet spots. I find myself spending a lot of time looking over google satellite maps scanning for 4WD tracks too!
5. What advice would you give to families who are interested in embarking on an outdoor camping and touring adventure for the first time?
If it's totally new to you, keep expectations realistic. It may take a while to adjust to the new routine, but it's such a rewarding experience to disconnect from technology and spend quality time together surrounded by nature.
6. How do you minimise the impact of your outdoor adventures on the environment and local communities?
This is so important. We are all responsible for doing the right thing to keep campsites and 4WD tracks open and accessible. We try to stick to designated tracks, use existing fire pits (when in season), bring our own firewood in and take all our waste out with us.
The goal is to try to leave an area better than how you found it.
7. What are your top recommendations for places to visit and why?
That is way too hard to fit into one paragraph, haha!
I think a good starting place is the Kimberley. The weather is hot, the fishing is awesome and there is heaps of 4WDing, camping and exploring to do.
8. What have been your experiences using the Topargee Bluetooth Water Tank Gauge, the Evershower and the Digital Water Flow?
The Topargee Bluetooth Water Tank Gauge and Digital Water Flow Meter have solved a problem I've had for a while now. Most water tank gauges are inherently inaccurate, which can be problematic when you're trying to work out how long you can stay offgrid for. The Topargee unit has allowed us to know exactly how much water we have left so we can maximise our time offgrid. It's also really interesting to see how much water we're using showering, washing dishes and washing clothes. That works perfectly if you're fully filling your tanks. If you're only partially filling your tanks, the Digital Flow Meter enables you to work out exactly how much you're putting in.
I've recently got my hands on an EverShower, and I'm really excited to give it a go on an upcoming trip. The EverShower enables you to recirculate shower water so that I can essentially have a 20 minute shower on 3- 5 litres of water. That's going to be awesome on longer trips!
9. If you could only choose 5 things to pack for an adventure, what would they be?
Other than the essential food, water, shelter and clothing, here's my top 5 must haves;
1. Tools, spares and recovery gear
2. Camera gear
3. Fishing gear
4. Fridge full of cold beer
5. Sunscreen and bug spray
10. Have you had any travel disasters? What happened? What would you do differently next time?
I'd say we're pretty well prepared for most issues so nothing too disastrous has happened to us on our travels.
Probably one situation that comes to mind is when we were on the last leg of the Gibb River Road. We had just crossed the Pentecost River and decided to follow some 4WD tracks along the river to find camp for the night. It was still hot in the late afternoon, probably pushing over 40 degrees, so the sand on the river bank was soft and boggy. We were fully loaded towing the van, sitting close to 6 tonnes combined and the car just sank. The winch had packed up so there was a lot of digging on the banks of a croc infested river to get us out! Tiff was not impressed.
11. Can you share any upcoming outdoor adventures that you and your family are planning to embark on?
Mid this year we are loading up the van and the whole family are spending a month or so doing a loop through the centre of Australia. The details aren't finalised yet but we'll probably end up doing the Great Central road across Western Australia and into the Northern Territory, through South Australia and back home along the Nullabor.
Follow the Wild Touring Youtube channel to stay up to date on Cam and Tiff’s travel adventures. They’re planning a trip around Australia in 2025!
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